The main farmhouse at Mo Gård – the one that the English guests used to call Collett Lodge – has been in use by fishermen and hunters since the 1880’s and until today.
At the Lodge we are still offering the fishermen full board, accommodation and guiding in June. July and August, and the huntsmen in fall from mid september until mid november.
We also offer the use of Collet Lodge for meetings and seminars when the lodge is not in use by fishermen and hunters from the 1st of April until the 15th of Desember.

Even dough the main farmhouse has been thoroughly refurbished one has managed to recreate the old interior like it used to be in the 1890’s when the building was upgraded in order to satisfy the expectations of Sir Henry Pottinger that leased the lodge from 1891 until 1905. In his memoars the gives the following description of the building:
«The house at Mo, built many years ago on an unusually large scale by a manager of the sawmill which then existed, was at the date when my tenancy commenced, used as a farmhouse. By the kindness and zeal of my landlord, it was gradually converted into a well furbished private residence, suitable for the accommodation of a considerable party including several ladies. It is delightfully situated in a large grass clearing, with the fields and the forest behind, and in front, an unbroken view over the fjord and the distant islands.”

The meals and the atmosphere has always been important to the guests. And in the company of good friends around the dining table they could tell stories about the huge salmon that managed to slip away just before landing it.